The Wooden St Peter and Paul Cathedral in Paramaribo (Suriname)

Wooden cathedral in Paramaribo with intricate carvings.

I am standing in front of the largest wooden structure in the Caribbean, Latin America, the Western Hemisphere or the world, depending on whom you talk to.

Verifiable facts are that the St Peter and Paul Cathedral in Paramaribo is 161 feet long, 54 feet wide, 48 feet tall, and is the biggest wooden building in Suriname.

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Bird Watching in Suriname’s Natural Reserve of Bigi Pan

Herons skim the water, their white bodies reflecting in the inky-black water smooth as glass. Green kingfishers nosedive from branches and resurface with a thrashing fish. Roseate spoonbills scratch around in shallow waters, and jacanas do what Jesus Birds do:

They walk on the water.

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