An Act of Kindness (Day 6): Pointing Out a Short-Cut

“If you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there”
~George Harrison

In the Jesuit Mission of Santa Ana we take a look at the map and conclude we will have to return to the mission of San Rafael in order to be able to reach San Miguel. While we are discussing this, Flora, the caretaker of Santa Ana’s Jesuit Mission, chimes in and says there is another road.

It is a short cut.

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The Difference Between Slow Travel And Traveling Slowly

Traveling slowly down the BR319, Brazil's infamous highway

The Land Cruiser crawls through potholes, jolts over bumps, and carefully drives onto wooden constructions called bridges. Hour after hour, day after day, we drive at a turtle’s pace on the infamous, 800-km-long BR319.

Welcome to the main highway between Manaus and Porto Velho, in the heart of the Brazilian Amazon.

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